By Seabiscuit - 06/07/2009 04:03 - United States

Today, I was snuggling in bed with my girlfriend. She was depressed, so I complimented her strong legs, saying they were "like a horse." I spent the next hour and a half trying to stop her crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 489
You deserved it 77 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wandering_fml 0

Dude, some advice; if you EVER compare your girlfriend to an animal, make sure it isn't a huge animal that could be considered an indirect way of calling her fat. And even then, you're taking a big risk. When she's depressed, don't say much. Let her talk. She'll talk herself through it, all she needs is someone to listen to her and hold her. Someone who cares.

Maybe it would be a better idea to just snuggle with her and no stupid comments. If my girlfriend was depressed, I'd kiss her neck and tell her I love her and make her smile and laugh. :) But nice try. :P


You should break up with her. You obviously derserve better than that little *****.

I can understand... You tried to make her feel good... but telling a girl she's like a horse also brings to mind every thing about a horse such as 'eating like a horse'... maybe next time just simply use eloquent words to get her to stop... and don't compare her to animals... at all... I'd say a bunny would be ok in the expression she's 'cute as a bunny' but thats the only one.

creepedon 0

Buddy, next time just stick to complimenting the eyes or something. If you absolutely cannot compliment a facial feature, then compliment her toned abs or the way her shirt compliments her breasts. If you absolutely must comment on her legs, then point out their length or how much slimmer they are than other girls' "thunderthighs." Honestly though, i don't see why she should get so upset over being compared to a horse. I mean, if you ever look at a horse's legs, they're just flesh and bone. Hardly any fat on them. I think she was just determined to be in a crappy mood. She should've appreciated your attempt at a compliment.

percawesome 0

I had a professor who told me once that feminists don't want gender equality; they just want women to be superior over men instead of the other way around. Something interesting and slightly pertinent to chew on. And before anyone panics, I am a girl and believe in gender equality.

Stop being a wimp and tell her to harden the **** up princess.

BTW: NEVER! compare a girl to an animal!!!! unless she likes kitties... then maybe you can mention a kitty....XP

Yeah what would have been better would be "you have gorgeous legs" you dumbass