By bagadigi - 27/10/2016 14:18 - Canada - Nepean

Today, I was sitting in my old rusty truck in an empty parking lot, when some old lady parks beside me and opens her door, hitting my truck. Having a used up truck, I didn't mind. But you could tell that it made her mad, when she came back with the manager demanding that I pay for her paint job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 844
You deserved it 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is the moment when you just laugh in the womans face. Laugh until she gets frustrated, don't speak just laugh and take pictures.

Its going to be something i'll remember for the rest of my life. I got to get the parking lot surveillence cam footage which showed the manager i was parked alone in the spot and she just came and bang! so he asked me if i wanted to press charges for damages and honestly i guess im no steryotype of a true canadian cause i said "Nah fk it, i dont know if she'll survive till the court date" so yea :) everythings good guys its cool too see the support on FML lol


That is ridiculous. Let us know how you get on OP, hopefully it'll be simple enough to deal with

This is the moment when you just laugh in the womans face. Laugh until she gets frustrated, don't speak just laugh and take pictures.

Unbelievable now you have a reason to get mad you should try to get her to pay for your paint job get your car looking good and make her regret parking next to you in an empty lot

I wouldn't be surprised if she actually told the manager that she hit your truck and demanded the pay anyways.

I'm starting to get tired of old people and their bullshit

species4872 19

Its going to be something i'll remember for the rest of my life. I got to get the parking lot surveillence cam footage which showed the manager i was parked alone in the spot and she just came and bang! so he asked me if i wanted to press charges for damages and honestly i guess im no steryotype of a true canadian cause i said "Nah fk it, i dont know if she'll survive till the court date" so yea :) everythings good guys its cool too see the support on FML lol

What kind of parking lot are we talking about, and why would a manager have any say in anything? Is this at McDonald's and the lady thinks the manager can solve all her problems because "the customer is always right"?

derpina72 23

You should have pressed charges OP, I hate when people lie and try and take someone else's hard earned money in the process.

Who parks next to someone in an empty parking lot?

So... Is there like a gauge on the dash that tells you how used up your car is?

HalfLit 17

Yeah, it's called the mileage.