By Anonymous - 08/03/2018 19:30 - Australia

Today, my crush asked to speak with me in private. He took me to a secluded area and asked if my best friend was interested in him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 733
You deserved it 314

Top comments

Ask yourself this. Did you ever make a move on him? Because if not, you don't get to complain when he likes someone else.


Ask yourself this. Did you ever make a move on him? Because if not, you don't get to complain when he likes someone else.

True, but it can also be another way of her crush indirectly rejecting her moves.

She's not even complaining. Just stating an unfortunate situation.

“No, not in the least. You should lower your standards and settle for me.” That’s a good pick-up line for me. Good luck!

I hope you had the presence of mind to say, "No, but I am."

Lobby_Bee 17

Was thinking the same thing.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

He didn't do it on purpose. And if he did, he's a jerk and you deserve better.

Here come all the people who either blame her for not asking him out or blame him for doing it on purpose. You know, some situations are just unlucky with noone to blame or read stuff into it. You can't force people to like someone anyways.

He’s not chocolate, nothing gained nothing lost, 🤷‍♀️ just keep looking for your chocolate 🍫

SwordSlashBlade 13

Well? Is she? I’m dying of suspense here!