By Anonymous - 03/06/2009 04:34 - United States

Today, I was riding on my bike when a guy on the street shouted, "I LOVE YOU!" at me. I recently told my boyfriend I loved him, and his response was, "I don't love you but I won't treat you any differently." Perverts on the street love me, but my boyfriend doesn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 624
You deserved it 5 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mehwhateverr 0

The person on the street was just a random crazy and your boyfriend doesn't have to love you. In fact, what bothers me the most is when people say "I love you" just because they're in a relationship... even if they aren't really in love. #1, her boyfriend isn't an ass for telling the truth. AND he said he won't treat her any differently. He sounds like a gem.

crownme 0

Wow your bf is a genius, that's the perfect reponse!


Breakvup with him.. if your bf doesn't say he loves you then why do you go out with him???

I'm not sure if it's a YDI or not. It really depends on how long you and your bf have been together. I mean if it's been years and he doesn't love you, then yeah, dump him. But if it's only been like two months.... well... idk. Maybe it just takes him a while??

simplybad 0

#23 life is filled with situations and I guess a man is a man when he act like a man. That's by knowing what he wants and not hurting his girl. Why would he be with her at the first place?

thatswasup 0

U should go out with the perv on the street since ur boyfriend doesn't love u

Incoldolesences 0

#27, wow, you're a load of work

AntiChrist7 0

so your boyfriend doesn't love and you're still with him? are you a mental? YDI


Stop complaining. Maybe he dosent want to us the word love. Before he means it.

Wait so how old are you? Riding a bike LOL? Too poor to buy a car?