By ZZ - 30/06/2009 03:01 - Canada

Today, I was riding my bike on the side of the road because there was no sidewalk. Then a car with a loud horn honked at me. Pissed off, I turned around and screamed "shut the fuck up!" It was my girlfriend's parents saying hi. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 568
You deserved it 66 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

a1mostevi1 0


Pretty sure it's illegal to bike on the sidewalk in Ontario, bud. And be nice to car drivers, they're the ones with the deadly piece of metal coming up behind you.

cxal_fml 0

If you really are in Ontario, than you should be aware that it is 100 percent illegal for you to ride your bicycle on the sidewalk at any time. Ontario's new Road Safety Act forbids riding bicycles on the sidewalk. Unless the wheels are less than 24 inches - and since you are posting here, we can assume you are not a child. You could of course be of unusually short stature though

I HATE when assholes honk at you. I take the bus a lot and have to walk a little over a mile to my apartment from the stop. I can't tell you how many times I've had cars full of guys honk at me and think it makes them look cool. I don't know anyone else who lives in this area, most of them are on campus or about 30 minutes north of here, so none of them are friends, just obnoxious boys. I'm pretty sure her parents will understand.

cxal_fml 0

c3ns0r3dn4m3 0

just look cute and cuddly cute and cuddly.. jk. wow.. at least turn around first.. before you yell goodness

Impulsive and thoughtless rage is always the best course, I always say.

hahaha! stupido! the same thing happened to me when I was 13. I was tired of having guys honking at me for the umpteenth time as I walked to the store, so the next tome it happened I yelled out F***You! turned out to be my mom and dud.

I hate it when I am biking to work or class and someone honks at me just to try and scare me. So I am sure they will understand, there are so many assholes in the world that do that to be funny they practically have to.

peopleplz2008 0

i say FYL cause people shouldnt honk at people riding bikes cause it scares them. they just just say they saaw you the next time they see you