By ZZ - 30/06/2009 03:01 - Canada

Today, I was riding my bike on the side of the road because there was no sidewalk. Then a car with a loud horn honked at me. Pissed off, I turned around and screamed "shut the fuck up!" It was my girlfriend's parents saying hi. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 568
You deserved it 66 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

a1mostevi1 0


legally you have to ride your bike on the street right by the side walk unless there is no bike lane or if it is a traffic area.

anger issues calm down on the road next time

shithappens2memo 0

YDI, for sure. Maybe you should consider taking some anger management classes?

First of all i hate bikers who think they own the road, if you want to ride a bike dont ride it on the busiest and smallest streets in the world just so you can slow down traffic and make everyone miserable!!! YDI... YDI

oKap1 15

You shouldn't immediately yell at someone to shut up when they honk at you. They cold be honking at someone else, warning you about something or just saying hi.