By ButILiveHere - 10/10/2018 03:00 - Netherlands - Voerendaal

Today, I was stopped by a cop whilst opening my front door. Apparently my house has been under investigation for being abandoned and a possible drug lab. I live alone with my cats. I knew it was sad, not that it was suspicious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 685
You deserved it 274

Top comments

It might be the smell. You might want to re-home a couple cats.

You were illegally growing catnip, weren't you?


You were illegally growing catnip, weren't you?

PenguinPal3017 19

Sounds like it's time to mow the lawn and apply a fresh coat of paint.

whiskey'swino 15

So the lonely cat lady is just a front? Interesting.

Maybe if you kept the litter boxes clean, it wouldn’t smell like a meth lab.