By IdiotNursingStudent - 22/09/2014 02:12 - United States - Belton

Today, I was reviewing for a major nursing school exam I have this week. I panicked because none of the material seemed familiar, and figured that I must've missed something during class and now had to catch up. After 4 hours, I finally realized that I'd been studying from the wrong textbook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 632
You deserved it 14 528

Same thing different taste

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NiceGuysDoWin 21

It took you 4 hours to figure out you were studying the wrong textbook? Are you sure you have the observation skills necessary to be a nurse? "Yes Doctor, we've had him on the ventilators for 4 hours, but he keeps trying to fight us and remove the tubes". "Well nurse, she's in labor so I would imagine she doesn't really need the ventilator."

Well at least now you are a more knowledgable, well-rounded person...yeah I'm just kidding, that blows, but you probably should've launched a major investigation before 4 hours had passed