By IdiotNursingStudent - 22/09/2014 02:12 - United States - Belton

Today, I was reviewing for a major nursing school exam I have this week. I panicked because none of the material seemed familiar, and figured that I must've missed something during class and now had to catch up. After 4 hours, I finally realized that I'd been studying from the wrong textbook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 632
You deserved it 14 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NiceGuysDoWin 21

It took you 4 hours to figure out you were studying the wrong textbook? Are you sure you have the observation skills necessary to be a nurse? "Yes Doctor, we've had him on the ventilators for 4 hours, but he keeps trying to fight us and remove the tubes". "Well nurse, she's in labor so I would imagine she doesn't really need the ventilator."

Well at least now you are a more knowledgable, well-rounded person...yeah I'm just kidding, that blows, but you probably should've launched a major investigation before 4 hours had passed


Missing something during class should not lead to studying 4 hours in a wrong textbook, I believe you deserve it for not knowing what you are studying.

brendejafulable 41

Well at least you know more stuff knoweldge=power

Look at it this way, you might be prepared for future tests since you've already read the material.

I feel your pain for real I am in nursing school too and with all the stress we stay under its not shocking that you did that haha hang in there!

Well when that test comes up you should ace it (:

Honestly, if you're that stupid, you shouldn't be working in medicine. It seriously took you that long to figure out that you've been reading the wrong textbook? Find another career.

jjh1978 11

Am I the only one who's a little concerned that it took them four hours to realize this? That doesn't necessarily sound like someone who I want in charge of giving me care!

After four hours of studying the wrong material, I hate to say I don't know how well you would faired, regardless... At least it's not too late, though.