By WTF - 26/10/2010 16:55 - United States

Today, I was rejected by a girl when she told me she is not ready to date. We met on a dating website. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 954
You deserved it 4 486

Same thing different taste

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When she saw you, her face went zoosk, and then she realized you weren't a match, saw no hope for harmony, and found out you had no brain chemistry.

perdix 29

I feel for you. I got rejected with those exact same words, except she was a ***** and I had already paid upfront for our "date."


How are you not ready to date but you're on a dating website. Wtf!

that CUNextTuesday!! all she had to say was she wasn't interested! lying is a fate worse than rejection or death!

Uhm ok 1) it's an online dating service, don't take it personally 2) I'm on one (free one) and I thought I did want to date when I signed up but have come to realize I don't really want to date right now. So she could be telling the truth

And I didn't delete it in case I ever decide I want to put myself out there again


that's what shit- harmony does to ya

I hate the I'm not ready for a relationship line...