By commando - 27/09/2009 22:03 - United States

Today, I was preparing to perform with my marching band at a competition. Right before we went on, a tuba player friend of mine offered to help me stretch. He wound up snapping my bra. I'm a drum major, and had to conduct the entire show while my boobs were falling out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 015
You deserved it 5 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If your uniform is like most marching band uniforms, they should be well-covered anyways =p

marimbist 0


im pretty sure people enjoyed the show even more. i know i would.

Okay, im in band with this girl, and need to clear up some things. 1- this did really happen. 2- if you think that marching is easy, go do it yourself. We have to play like the New York philharmonic while running a marathon. Slightly exaggerated, but you get my point. It's at least as demanding as high school varsity sports. 3- yes, we do use tubas. NOT sousaphones. The tubas are concert tubas that have a lead pipe. 4- Her boobs were not falling out of her uniform, but jiggling around while shewas conducting. 5- the DMs wear the same uniforms the band members do, just different colors. 6- YDI for being in marching band? Get a life.

Not all DMs wear the same uniforms. My school has them dress up in suits and black 2-piece top and skirt combos.

another thing to learn before going to conduct for Carolina Crown or Blue Devils. Go marching band!

giggity0giggity 0

yo, #135 farside: what high school? I'm from hunterdon central. and btw, this past weekend I had to march a whole show with a clearly noticable boner, not to mention having a solo at the front of the field!

what i don't understand is why people think marching band is so easy. i'm marching in a college marching band, after 3 years of high school marching band, and believe me, it is even harder. telling people YDI for just being in marching band, you need to just fall off the face of the earth. you have no idea what we do everyday during practices, sectionals, performances (games and competitions), plus anything else we are asked to do, like parades. don't believe me? Youtube "Pride of Arizona 2009." you know, one of the top five marching bands of 2008, we're back and better than ever @ OP: that sucks, but thats what you get for letting a tuba player help you stretch.

shirvon100 0

Your really gave them a marching band show didnt you, lol

That sucks why i always wear a sports bra to my comps.

hemilover52 0

i agree fyl that does suck but i also should add **** marching band

Haha that sucks! My senior year while conducting our show for Finals of a contest, my bra came undone on its own. Makes it even more fun when you climb off the front podium. Run mid-field to play a solo. Run the the back podium, and then have to run around the end zones to get back to the front. I hope that doesn't happen again. It's so awkward even if people don't notice :)