By witt75 - 23/02/2011 18:53 - United States

Today, I was overdrawn $15 at the bank. I paid in my last $80 in cash, only for them to inform me that I've been slapped with $90 in overdraft fees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 760
You deserved it 6 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've been there so I can say from experience that it is 100% your fault. If you had the cash, you should've dropped it into your account before cheques came in. Also, why didn't you just deposit $20? Then you'd at least have $60 in your pocket. If you've never overdrawn your account before, you could ask the bank to reverse the fees as a one-time courtesy.


A $90 fee?! Why in the name of Orre's boiling hot sand is it so high?! I understand you're supposed to get a slap on the wrist for not paying attention to your funds, but that's more like being smacked upside the head with a metal pole!!

its funny that you called him mr boners.

For me the concept of overdraw fees is already shocking. Is like trying to rob a naked person for me...

And now, in my experience, they'll give you another fee for being in the negative again because the -90 put you in the negative.

supersaiyan7 0

What's up with all these economic fml's?

I was just thinking that! It seems like all the fmls today are about money.

Looks as if op needs to take out the blower. And use it as a daytime job to earn extra money. Half of you thought this was about ********. You are wrong.

alexavb15 4
andreamad 2

really?! 90$?! I've always had overdraft protection with my bank account - right now my overdraft protection is for a thousand dollars - so I can over if I want, and next pay it'll just be automatically reimbursed, no fees or interest at all -- isn't that how it always works? :O *fascinated*