By :'( - 09/09/2015 03:34 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was let go from my dream job for requesting Photoshop as well as Illustrator. I was hired to create marketing materials. Guess I should have just used Paint. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 738
You deserved it 1 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Most companies want the work to be done quickly and efficiently but don't want to pay for the tools to properly do them! Don't tolerate cheap companies like that, find the one that gives you the proper tools to do your job properly! I have faith in you and good luck!

exoticDeath 20

Well screw them. Let their marketing be trash stick figures drawn by idiots. Don't waste your talents/skills on them. I'm sure someone as professional as you will easily get the job at a better nicer company.


Most companies want the work to be done quickly and efficiently but don't want to pay for the tools to properly do them! Don't tolerate cheap companies like that, find the one that gives you the proper tools to do your job properly! I have faith in you and good luck!

Maybe the company has other tools to do the job and OP couldn't use them, which was their job. If op can't use the tools provided, then no reason to keep them on board.

Pretty much everyone everywhere uses/gets trained in Photoshop and Illustrator though. It's like the MS Word of the graphic world. I assume the programs OP can use were noted in their CV and would be discussed at the interview if they weren't what the company uses. I think it's far more likely they were expecting the OP to struggle through using something that isn't made for that sort of graphic design (like MS Paint). They would then probably complain about it taking ages and looking crappy.

Redgy22 26

Yeah, because it's sooo easy to find a dream job....rme!

katachristic 19

@21 or they could expect OP to use a free professional grade image tools like GIMP. Photoshop is really expensive and OP's boss might be unable to afford a copy for each designer. With regards to MS Word, all I can say is that just because everyone uses something doesn't make it good.

Don't diss Paint. I've used Paint for 20 years since I was a kid and can make and edit things in there pretty damn well. You can make even the cheapest tools work if you want. But regardless that's a dick move on their part for sure. I've had similar issues in the past when requesting proper tools for a job. FYL

Gimp and Krita are two very good options.

Should've made it clear that I was being sarcastic... Shit.

whoever didn't get that you were being sarcastic is retarded.

Not everyone who doesn't share your opinion is retarded.

exoticDeath 20

Well screw them. Let their marketing be trash stick figures drawn by idiots. Don't waste your talents/skills on them. I'm sure someone as professional as you will easily get the job at a better nicer company.

Many employers who aren't in the industry simply don't understand how much work goes into creating graphics.

Gimp is brilliant, I think you're allowed to use it for commercial use for free too, which may not be the case with other freeware. However unless this business is made up of 3 people operating out of someone's kitchen it shouldn't be a surprise that someone with training/background in graphic design wants a widely-used program that they're probably the most comfortable using and competent at. I mean, I use GIMP at home but if my employer wants work of a professional standard I'd expect them to pay for professional tools.

"Professional tools" should not mean one specific product. People should be taught how to use a wide variety of alternatives to the most popular products for any job lest we create monopolies.

You could of just made a very shitty looking poster, and then asked for it.

they could have just said no - you REQUESTED, not demanded.

Redoxx_fml 22

If that's the kind of company it was it definitely wasn't your dream job

They're going to have a fun time replacing you if they're not willing to provide the proper tools. And while its correct to say any place like that isn't your "dream job", I know the market is tough and every bit of experience helps. If you find yourself in a similar position, and want to hang onto the job despite them being morons, I suggest you get the software yourself through Creative Cloud. It's affordable and a good thing for an aspiring designer to have anyway (you even get two installs for work and home). Again, your work place SHOULD provide these programs, but if you need to, you can always get them for yourself to hold onto the crap job until you can get a better one. Good luck.