By Justincredible69 - 29/06/2015 20:29 - United States

Today, I was legitimately sick so I called in to work. Apparently, 4 other guys on my line called in too. My boss thought we planned it. Now we're all written up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 943
You deserved it 1 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you get a doctors note you might be able to clear your name.

I think the other guys planed it. FYL op


Dam, hate it when that happens. I suggest you take two aspirin and call your union rep in the morning.

All of you should definitely get a doctor's note. Find out if they're really sick and what illness or symptoms they have. It's possible you all picked something up while at work. Could be that someone was sick and spreading germs, contaminated food was shared, etc.

Good idea, but technically the burden of proof is on the employer, not the employee. He has to prove they were not sick, not the other way around. Hard to argue with an employer though...

Well if the boss already wrote them all up, it would seem that the calls were proof enough that something was amiss. Now that those are on record, he may not need any further proof of anything... which is dumb. It would then fall upon the employees to prove their claims of illness are legitimate, and to challenge and hopefully reverse the boss's actions. At least, that's how places-of-work operate.

oops ... *my* places-of-work... And yes, it's extremely difficult to argue with employers. It sucks!

Sounds to me like you've all gotten sick from something at work. :/

While this does seem shady, he has no right at all to write you up for being sick. Now, did the other three plan it? Maybe. But if i were you, id talk to a lawyer.

magickiss87 22

Drs note should at least prove your case and help you out of you've had a few call outs prior to this or in case you have to call out again. Hell, even a note from the er should suffice

You're boss can't write you up Just because he thinks you're faking. He has to have proof.