By Anonymous - 14/01/2014 16:15 - United Kingdom - Chester

Today, I was laying down with my girlfriend, when she asked me if I'd ever been kicked in the junk. I awkwardly said no, and she replied, "Well maybe that should change." while rubbing my shoulder lovingly. I'm scared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 967
You deserved it 4 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't understand how the people on here get such weird and/or downright rude or mean significant others...

Pair this girlfriend with that kid that flushes his condoms and hopefully she takes away his potential to reproduce.


Dude that's totally awesome. I've been punched, kicked, kneed, and had a full on hockey puck just my nuts. It stoops hurting with in 1:30 min but it's bad during that time

TallMist 32

If you want to experience getting hit in the dick and nuts, then you are a masochistic.

icepick23 12

Why be selfish? If she wants to kick you, let her. Just get really drunk first, I suppose. It's not going to kill you--man up!

HammyBear13 8

It might not kill him but it could very well kill any possibility of him having kids in the future.

xbrendnx 1

On the plus side, she sounds fun. :-)

MermaidAnnariea 10

maybe she meant kiss, and you just heard it wrong?