Who are you?

By NotlovingAgain - 14/03/2022 06:00

Today, knowing my long-distance boyfriend was cheating on me with a local girl, I decided to make a surprise visit to confront him by showing up to his home. Both of them answered the door. My boyfriend claimed to not know me, and threatened to call the cops. I ended up back at the airport in tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 614
You deserved it 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you have the heart to, bc if he was lying in front of her and you, then the other girl must not know. find a way to send her the screen shots, bc he doesn't deserve to have anyone. and you deserve better

the majority of these long distance relationships are shams. few people are faithful to someone they can't see in person, snuggle and have sex with. it stings now, but take the lesson and move on and date someone local.


If you have the heart to, bc if he was lying in front of her and you, then the other girl must not know. find a way to send her the screen shots, bc he doesn't deserve to have anyone. and you deserve better

the majority of these long distance relationships are shams. few people are faithful to someone they can't see in person, snuggle and have sex with. it stings now, but take the lesson and move on and date someone local.

I'm actually really impressed with that quick thinking counter move. You thought you had all the power to cause grief and destruction and he riposte with grace. Also I think you should just let it go, relationships are hard these things happen.

Sorry that happened, but it sounds like you were unwittingly the side chick. You can do so much better!