By LovesHisHand - 20/09/2009 20:55 - United States

Today, I was in my 15-year-old sister’s room when I found birth control pills. I told my parents, who responded by saying, "Sex is beautiful thing." When I was her age my parents caught me pleasuring myself, and smashed my laptop with a hammer, all while calling me "filthy" and "immoral". FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 902
You deserved it 9 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deathburger13 0

Replace your moms ***** with a taser and paint it pink :)


unable_heart 0

You should respect your sister's privacy, and maybe if your parents found you with a girl(or guy, depending on what you like...), they wouldn't have acted like that. So, grow a pair, stay out of your sister's stuff, and find yourself a damn woman.

Excellent point. What the hell was he doing rummaging through her stuff anyway?

Lichinamo 33

Actually, if you have close relations to siblings, you tend to wander their room. Yesterday, I was on the phone in my brother's room while he was just outside. I wasn't 'snooping', I was just boredly wandering. The only thing I found of particular intrest in their was a glue stick outside of its container. And my best friend in the whole world is his girlfriend, so I tend to be in there a lot. The moral of this rant? Just because you're in a sibling's room, whether older than you, younger, or a twin, like mine, doesn't mean you're a snoop, snitch, or terrible person. My brother and I actually have an agreement not to tell anyone certain things.

unable_heart 0

@30:Just because she has birth control doesn't make her a ****. It's also used for periods. Depending on the kind, it can make help with inrregular periods, or it can make it so a woman has less periods(Don't know if that kind is still out...).

Everyone here thats mad at him for being a tattle is a moron, 15 is too young to be having sex and his parents are losers for imposing a double standard.

wockys 0

why are you the creepy older brother who goes through a 15 year old girl's things?

Well, at least you know who the favorite is. FYL

Obviously your parents want grandkids. They were enraged that you were simply washing their potential grandkids down the drain, but they sound thrilled that your little sister is eagerly working on bringing their dream to fruition. Get a new laptop. Do what you have to do. Don't let them find you. When your little sister gets pregnant, make sure you're able to move out of the house so you don't get dragged down by it.

xx_irish_rose_xx 0

well if his little sister is on birth control pills she most likely isnt gonna get pregnant, and if her parents wanted her to give them grandkids so much why would they be happy about her being on the pill?

I appreciate your very thorough analysis of my comment. Next time I will either have to: 1. Think through my logic much more carefully to fully address concerns like those you have suggested or 2. Actually post something that is not intended to be a joke. Thank you for your truly thought-provoking feedback. But to be fair... the parents didn't say "birth control is a beautiful thing". They focused on the sex part of her actions.

if she wasn't taking them for sex, why did the parents reply that sex is a beautiful thing, instead of saying "it's for other medical reasons, mind your own business"?

Lichinamo 33

That's basically what I was wondering. They wouldn't have said 'Sex is a beautiful thing', they would have said 'Your sister is using those for medical reasons, asshole'. Okay, they may or may not have said asshole, but it was intended, defidently.

prshusl0l 0

birth control isn't JUST for preventing pregnancy, idiot. -_-

No, but it usually is. That's why it's usually girls that take them. Because... boys can't get pregnant anyway. I'd use smaller words if I could.

Boys aren't often plagued with heavy, irregular periods or terrible menstrual cramps either. In fact I believe menstruation and pregnancy are somewhat biologically related. Did you skip that day in health class?

Boys are frequently plagued by menstruation, indirectly . We have to share the same living space (i.e. planet Earth) with women who menstruate and become very unpleasant to be around because of it. All I was suggesting is that the primary purpose of birth control pills is to control births. It's pure speculation on my part, but I would be willing to bet that if we took a poll of all the girls taking birth control pills and asked them if they were being used to prevent pregnancies (i.e. "are you sexually active and using only the pill for contraception?"), we would most likely find a high percentage of "yes" responses. The fact that there are useful side effects from the pill doesn't change the fact that they are USUALLY taken for contraception. And if you must know, I slept through health class. Most health class teachers are dullards who slept through health class themselves, and found out later in life that they were only qualified to teach health class. And maybe be a football coach.

Lichinamo 33

As stated before, they wouldn't have said 'Sex is a beautiful thing' if it wasn't for sex. They would have had to know if it was for medical reasons, and the OP most likely would have known, too, thus disregarding this FML completely.

VillageGirl 0

Your parents are idiots, but I voted YDI because you were a di**wad for telling on your sister.