By race - 18/11/2010 08:37 - Australia

Today, I was in a meeting and someone behind me sneezed really loudly. As they were doing so, I felt something cold land on my neck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 655
You deserved it 2 677

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sonnet 0

Today, I was in a meeting and started to jerk off. As I shot my cum onto my coworker's neck, I sneezed to cover up for myself. She still thinks it's my snot. FHL.


I feel bad for you ,I could just smack people that don't cover their mouths when they sneeze.

butthole_cheeze 0

#50, i feel bad for you~ you look like a hermaphrodite but i bet you think your the prettiest thing huh?? youre not pretty, let alone close to it. people just stare at you cause they probably recognize you from the transvestite escort services on Craigslist.

Seems a bit harsh, especially coming from a dog named butthole cheese.

butthole_cheeze 0

...the transparency of my remarks has absolutely nothing to do with my screen name. however, your intelligence and your ability to deduce is directly proportional to your white trash look. dont lie to yourself, thats not a halloween costume, thats just you. dont use a holiday as a sorry justification for how you look like.

Don't feed the troll, people. Butthole- since all you seem to be doing today is insulting peoples' appearances, are you going to comment on my innocent daughter's? Go ahead. Hit her with your best shot. Show everyone your true personality.

Ooh, me next! I'm now taking bets on whether he takes the "short hair: you're a dyke" tack over the "your hair color looks fake" one. Or maybe he'll pull a really creative rabbit out of his hat with a comment like "four-eyed poopoo head." *rubs hands* I knew I could use my Internet pic to supplement the ol' Christmas fund somehow...

Jane, you're a 4-eyed poopy head with fake, short hair. Sorry, he got banned, so I had to fill in. *hangs head in shame*

wwerulez14 6

You sure it wasn't the "Grannies Gone Wild 8" you were just watching?

heartless_j 0

that's so gross! I would have been pissed

I love taking a small spray bottle of water into the movie theater. Then I make sneezing sounds and spray the water. So funny to see the reactions! I also like putting random items in people's shopping carts at Target or Walmart. Retirement is a lot of fun!

ThePersonalDream 0

I place random objects in people's shopping carts with my friends for a laugh. I'm no where near retirement though. ;-)

butthole_cheeze 0

i live in Cambridge! we should f@ck!!!! :)

sounds like you gotta boogie! are there any really terrible 1970s themed disco bars around you?

MustangMan29 13