By neverbeenkissed - 03/07/2009 20:09 - United States

Today, I was helping my friend with her little sister's birthday party. We were playing a game where you get up and switch seats if you've done a certain thing. One girl said to switch if you've kissed a boy. I watched as 18 12-year-olds switched seats with each other. I stayed sitting. I'm 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 131
You deserved it 9 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Singularity_fml 0

Aww, you're just waiting for a good person to come along. =) Don't worry, your life's not f*****.

falleninlove21 0

thats really not so bad...i have a friend thats 22 that hasn't kissed a boy. dont think of it as a bad thing...she doesn't. the right guy just hasn't come along yet :) a first kiss should be special


koko_the_koala 0

I'm 15, and all of my closest friends, including me, haven't kissed a boy yet either. Don't worry! Obviously you're not alone! This is how I like to think of it: all of the girls who run around kissing as many guys as they can will never really be in love, and when we finally get around to our first kisses, they will be special and we'll appreciate what we have more :D so you're better off in the long run, girlie :) And as a side note, it seems like so many of the younger kids these days are trying to be older than they are. It's so sad... Enjoy your childhood!!

CyclonePsycho 1

Hey, you could have told them that kissing isn't the only thing to live life for. Give them a few morals, eh? :]

commanderadama 0

yep you live in a represive area?

This is nothing to worry about. I'm nearly 20 and have never kissed anyone, but when I feel bad about it, it think about my friend who is 10 years older than me and has never had a girlfriend, and by comparison, I don't feel as pathetic.

the most sexualy repressed people become total sex freaks later on. don't worry I'm sure you'll blow some guys mind when you finally get to it. Cleveland steamer anyone ?

Ephidel 0

These FMLs where people state their ages at the end for dramatic effect are getting to be seriously overdone. In my opinion, they're a bigger problem than "proceeded", which everyone seems to hate. Please stop jumping on the bandwagon and try to make your point in an original way. Ones like these just come off as innacurate attempts to establish what the "norm" is for a certain age.

Just be sure that your first kiss is way more meaningful than a 12 year old's could possibly be, and then there is nothing FML about it.

these comments are making me feel really old

Stevieebabyy 0

That's when you lie and get up.

You're just waiting for the right guy/girl, there's no shame in that.