By Ackno - 06/05/2017 16:00

Today, I was having sex with my husband when the pores on his forehead triggered my trypophobia. We had to stop before I had a panic attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 077
You deserved it 1 756

Same thing different taste

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I had to Google that. Turns out that it's a new word, fear of holes. Better hope your husband doesn't develop a fear of holes or you'll have no sex life whatsoever.

Trypophobia is a proposed phobia (intense, irrational fear, or anxiety) of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps. The term is believed to have been coined by a participant in an online forum in 2005. Now no one else has to google it.


This is so relatable! I have it severely. I'm an environmental science major and one class we were looking at bee hives and I couldn't stop shaking

I have it too! Thought I was alone until I found it on a phobia website and realized what I had. People think it's fake but it's not

I swear I just heard my grandma talking about how she can always tell it's going to rain because her trypophobia flares up

PunzieKitten 1

Okay I actually felt so bad for you reading that. I'm so sorry your phobia is so severe. That's awful

Bonk182 2

whatever you do, do not Google trpophobia and skin pores that will scar you for life

Bonk182 2

whatever you do, do not Google trpophobia and skin pores that will scar you for life

Well, you have two options: Closing your eyes during sex or do rear-entry positions.

have you tried not diagnosing yourself with whatever nonsense you find on the internet?

Must suck that you can't do it with him because if your fear of holes that makes you have panic attacks. I can't EVER do it with anyone because I got sexually assaulted and break down at the thought, but whatever, holes are apparently traumatizing.


Is sex that boring that you are concentrating on the pores on his head, how about do it with the lights off like most people who can't stand to look at the person humping them. Shit most people won't even go into the same room as their partner when naked with the lights on, that's how nightmares are made. Oh and GROW THE HELL UP.


Is sex that boring that you are concentrating on the pores on his head, how about do it with the lights off like most people who can't stand to look at the person humping them. Shit most people won't even go into the same room as their partner when naked with the lights on, that's how nightmares are made. Oh and GROW THE HELL UP. Another medical condition spread by the internet, we should all wear gloves and masks while typing.