By mackmoons - 10/08/2019 14:00 - United States - Atlanta

Today, I found out someone doing the exact same job as me at work is making $900 more than me on their paycheck. The only reason is because when he messes up, he blames it on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 973
You deserved it 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let HR and the bosses know that the person is doing this. Be ready to back up the accusations though, so bring evidence that shows you are not the culprit and also shows the other person is.


Let HR and the bosses know that the person is doing this. Be ready to back up the accusations though, so bring evidence that shows you are not the culprit and also shows the other person is.

so are you defending yourself and clearing your name?

mackmoons 7

Working on it. I don’t want him to know that I know bc I probably shouldn’t know. (Definitely shouldn’t know) so I’m waiting for the perfect moment to spring into action haha

mackmoons 7

I was balancing the books and I found his invoices

Mungolikecandy 19

Collect evidence and then bring it to the attention of those higher up whom he has been complaining about you to. If you prove that the instances he is laying at your door are in fact his errors then he has dug a nice deep hole for himself, but you need evidence to support that.

mackmoons 7

It’s a private company and he’s the highest up