By JimmyJazzNJ - 12/04/2009 02:51 - United States

Today, I was giving a tour on campus when one of my friends approached us and said "Don't go here, the weed's too expensive." and walked away. Thinking he's coming back to say he's joking, he instead says "Just kidding, its really cheap." and walked away. I may or may not still have a job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 829
You deserved it 5 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SpunkT 0

Yeah why would you be responsible for having an idiot friend? Also you could have just said something to the effect of "Don't mind him, he's an idiot" and pretend he's not your friend. And then later tell him not to bother you when you're working cause it's really rude.

I do stupid things like this all the time to my friends. You need to lighten up and relax about it.


50 is quite annoying. my dad also owns a very successful business and i too could make bank following his path but he is forcing me to go to school. you prolly like the smell of your own farts. i hope you die poor and as stupid as you are now.

katie_6098 0

haha that's actually pretty funny.You shouldn't lose your job over something that you had no control over. We have small tour groups around campus sometimes, usually parents and their kids. You can always pick them out. One time a group came into one of the dining halls, and this kids started yelling stuff like 'don't come here' and 'send us your virgins'. it was pretty funny.

Your friend provided a valuable service!! I would have liked to have known that when i was picking out colleges...

LavaMonster 0

what a jerk haha but that's still funny : )

Evee_fml 0

******* with tour groups is the only highlight of living in this shithole

Kel0615 0

#17- 1. Wow, dude, it was a joke- not an attack. Albeit, I'll admit it was a tad snarky. 2. Though you say you did not attack anyone, you directly stated several times that "college is a waste", therefore implying that those who are attending college are dumb for wasting their time and making inferior life choices. 3. That's great about the family business. You are fortunate that you have such resources available to you. If only everyone was so lucky. 4. "If that person hadn't of made a snarky diss at me, I wouldn't have had to DEFEND myself from his personal, ignorant attack." Speaking of ignorant, that "his" should be a her. Kel is Kelly for short.

whocaresnotme 0
Saiduck 0

as long as the school doesnt know it was your friend. you're fine.