By OldHabitsDieHard - 18/09/2013 14:53 - United States - Erie

Today, I was getting my cat some canned food. Out of habit I licked the spoon after I had emptied the can only to realize too late what I had done. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 716
You deserved it 18 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reminds me of that Spongebob episode where he tastes Gary's food.

The most important meal of the day, serving it up Gary's way!


After tasting it, did you sing the Meow Mix song?

I just threw up a little inside my mouth.

You and your cat are nothing but mammals with similar digestive tract evolved to keep you healthy in wide variety exceptional conditions so don't let worry stop you from doing like they do it on discovery channel.

middlenamefrank 8 what? Do you think your cat food is poisonous or something? Probably doesn't even taste too bad since it has to appeal to cats.

humans and cats have very different taste buds

#51 totally understand where you are coming from! Field ops with no bathroom or shower 120 degree heat while looking for people in the desert you really don't get that chance to take a much needed shower everyday. Some people just don't understand that those things become a luxury while on deployment

You are what you eat op! Now you are one step closer to understand your cat. Perhaps if you do it more frequent, you will be granted a membership to the cats community.

Are you sure you're not turning into a district 9 alien?