By OldHabitsDieHard - 18/09/2013 14:53 - United States - Erie

Today, I was getting my cat some canned food. Out of habit I licked the spoon after I had emptied the can only to realize too late what I had done. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 716
You deserved it 18 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reminds me of that Spongebob episode where he tastes Gary's food.

The most important meal of the day, serving it up Gary's way!


That's so funny I have cats and I'm surprised I haven't accidentally done this yet.

Just don't start licking yourself and you'll be Okay.

You licked the spoon cause you are fat huh?

Well, cat food was originally made for humans...


Like everyone else has said, I immediately thought of Spongebob eating Gary's food

Well... How'd it taste!? No reason for he rest of us to taste it now! Out with it!