By illequipt - 16/03/2009 03:20 - Canada

Today, I was fooling around with my girlfriend for the first time. She put her hand on my cock over my jeans and said, "Get hard for me." I was hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 204 526
You deserved it 32 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe it was the first time for her to fool around with a guy like that period and she just didn't know what it's supposed to feel like/what it feels like when it's not hard?! She obviously has never touched a penis before...because even if it was pretty small you can still tell if the guy is hard or not... o.O


Clamcreepy 7

Lmfao this is the funniest FML I have ever read

ArrickMorris 4

Damn bro you must be small as hell lmao

Don't feel bad, my 7 inches gets restrained about 4 inches by my jeans...

Sleepy_Brown_23 0

Awww lol it should grow wen ur 8 wait how old are you

RabidRabi 2

That's the worst thing that could ever happen... Sorry man

Time to invest in some penis enlargement supplements.