By Anonymous - 25/02/2012 03:07 - United States

Today, I was feeling frisky for the first time in months, so I started feeling up my husband. He kept insisting he had a headache and that he wasn't feeling it tonight. When I noticed his sarcasm, he said "Yeah, doesn't feel so great, does it?" and turned the TV volume up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 066
You deserved it 61 346

Same thing different taste


If he dealt with it for months, I'm sure you can deal with it a bit too.

I would like to shake his hand. I wonder how fast he thought of that.

Right after the second time she used the headache excuse...

Haha. Paybacks a bitch! Just like your husbands wife! (oh no he dinnint) did you say feeling frisky for the first time in MONTHS?!? WTF?!? I'd be a prick about your lazy and way past due attempt at "feeling me up" too.

Fyl for having a husband who does stupid stuff like that rather than talk to you about what is bothering him.

No he's the one who's life sucks. If she literally hasn't even felt like having sex in months there's a serious problem and I'm willing to bet he's tried to talk to her but she just kept making the same excuses. He was right to give her a taste of her own medicine rather than just giving in the one rare time she was actually in the mood when she has probably been rejecting him countless times. Either she's not happy in the relationship or there is an actual medical issue here. Either way if she didn't try to figure out what's wrong after that long she's the problem. I highly doubt if he did something like this to show her how it feels that she's been telling him lately that she wants to satisfy him but for some reason she just hardly ever has the desire. Odds are they'd both be trying to figure out the problem by now if so.

126 FYL for assuming he didn't and judging him based on information you just pulled out your ass.

mrsmillsy 10

Yea, if you don't feel like having sex for months you should talk to a doctor. It's really not fair on the husband. Also if you're just making up excuses for that long, there's clearly something wrong in your relationship. Maybe you're not attracted to him anymore, arguing all the time, lack of communication, too busy - whatever. In my marriage we put each other first - not work or our own stubbornness.

thamack408 11

You're not giving your husband or yourself the chance. My guess is that your libido is low because the sex isn't all that great. Mw wife and I are going on six years of marriage now. The first year or so sounded a lot like your FML, but substitute weeks with months. The more we honest and open we were with each other, the more our confidence grew, and the better the sex got. Now, we can't keep our hands off each other and are having sex multiple times a week. I don't blame your husband for doing what he did because I did the same exact thing. My wife wasn't communicating with me, and my guess is that you're not being open with your husband.

I'm so happy that this stuff happens and I applaud this guy because, as a friendzoned guy, I hear women conspiring about turning down sex, with some lame excuse like a headache, in order to gain a power hold over their husbands/boyfriends, all the time

I applaud her husband for his response. Sex especially in a marriage is important. Lack of sex can lead to other problems.

Ins0mau 20

Yeah, sex is important. But he could have talked and suggested therapy or something rather than be an arsehole about it.

Oh he's an asshole because he turned her down? lol