By sadface - 11/08/2010 06:50 - United States

Today, I was dumped by my girlfriend due to our long distance relationship. She then agreed to date my best friend who lives in the same town as me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 395
You deserved it 3 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sun_Kissed18 25

Well then be glad to get rid of her. She just needed a reason to break it off, sorry :/


wow. the same thing happened to me with my bf.

Ick, that's bad. What an asshole of a girl. It kind of seems like what happened to me. I feel bad for you OP.

She -agreed- to date your best friend? Sounds like it was a deal. Besides best friends dating ex-lovers are just a no go. Forget him and your ex-girlfriend, shit like this happens but it's a dirty move anyway fyl

I was in a similar situation, but in my case it was a boy who suddenly decided he didn't want to date me because we were too far away (like 45 minutes really) but he had already dated a girl from my town (I introduced them).

I'm not sure I can form an opinion on this until I hear what selenagirl has to say. Where is she anyway? I miss her sooo much!

RadAtThis01 0

what's her number? lol maybe I can get some

That's really rude. Maybe they had something going on before?

next time you see her you should tape her to the hood of your car.

nayrsomar1 0

same thing happened to me except that I ******* punched my "friend" right in the face and broke his nose