By JC - 19/10/2009 06:40 - United States

Today, I was driving down the road when a dog suddenly runs across the street. In attempt to spare its life, I swerved to the side of the road and rear-ended another car. The car I hit belonged the family that owned the dog. Now I have to pay them because I saved their dog's life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 335
You deserved it 5 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know what they say, no good deed goes unpunished.

That's like the other day I swerved to avoid hitting a squirrel right as another squirrel ran under my tire. Except I didn't have to pay damages to the original squirrel.


Haha. It would've probably been cheaper to replace the dog. xD Note - if you weren't driving too fast, a controlled brake would've sufficed. YDI.

Tough call, but I say ydi sorry dude, you should never swerve your car, you couldve killed someone, Idc what these ppl say, human>dog

I'd go back and kill the dog. After all, it's his fault. At least you'd get something out of the deal.

When I took drivers ed, one thing they really stressed was never to swerve to miss a small animal, brake, and if you can't stop, that's too bad, only swerve for people or large animals like deer

perdix 29

In some parts of the country, Driver's Ed. instructors have to convince people not to swerve to HIT small animals, cuz road kill is "good eatin'!" Don't cause a crash and just settle for store-bought meat.

you're an idiot. you never swerve to avoid an animal for that exact reason.

holycrap7890 0

You should have hit the dog, because if it would have damaged your car, they would have had to pay you. It's their fault their dog ran out in front of you; they should keep it inside or something, or chained in a yard.

I don't think you're liable, and I wouldn't pay it. Their dog caused the accident. You swerved out of the way both to avoid the dog, as well as to avoid damage to your car. It was unavoidable, and cause by their dog being loose on the road. Not only should you not pay for their damages, but they should pay for your damages. The entire thing was their fault. Talk to your insurance company or a lawyer if necessary.

thewhorocks 0

well, Normally i would say your own fault, but the whole "Hit the car of the family trying to spare" makes it just suck.

Too bad? Just get over it and quit whining. You saved an animals life, you should be happy about it instead of being selfish. And I would never brake or swerve for any of you (be glad I don't drive). Animals are better than disgusting humans. This site just proves my point.