By tgd4444 - 23/07/2011 10:29 - Malaysia

Today, I was arrested. The policeman threw me to the ground because I wouldn't answer his questions. This was after he told me I had the "right to remain silent". FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 417
You deserved it 8 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You have a choice. The police cannot make you answer any questions nor can they be physically violent toward you if you don't. OPs rights were violated and I damn well hope they take it to court. Police brutality is never acceptable.


call the cops on him..... ohh wait....

Macromartyr 3

But doesn't "you have the right to remain silent" mean you have the choice to be silent. OP could have answered the questions

You have a choice. The police cannot make you answer any questions nor can they be physically violent toward you if you don't. OPs rights were violated and I damn well hope they take it to court. Police brutality is never acceptable.

why are op rights read before the cop decided to arrest?

buiscit 0

we're you dropped on your head 18

A7X_LoVeee 10
juicedboi 7

"You have the right to remain silent". I choose to wave that right. *begin screaming and screeching loudly*.

jcasebier 5
NastyNinja31 0

actually, I think u have to tell the police that you aren't going to answer the questions and that you will use the right to remain silent, otherwise they will keep asking questions.

Guys, he's Malaysian. Malaysian cops couldn't give less of a shit about people's rights.

JustinThunder 8

Actually I do believe you have to inform them you are invoking that right.

dude he's lucky!! he just got out of whatever he did because the cop was stupid enough to commit police brutality.

82- Is it supposed to be a good thing that your mom never gives out tickets? That's her job; some people deserve tickets, and if they don't get them every once in a while, they'll continue to break the law. Now, I wouldn't be harsh or just hand out tickets for no reason, but if I were a cop I wouldn't be to proud about never giving out a ticket.

it's more "you still answer his questions anyway not to look cocky"

legally you have the right not to say a word to the cop

THOMASisMYname 8

**** THA POH-LICE! naw but all in good manner, you were probably being an ass in some way.

iloveyou1266 4

your picture disgusts me . your a perve with no life .

biasedshooter 24

your post disgusts me, and you're a feminist troll with no sense of humor or appreciation for the "finer" things ;)

Stonedmanalex 0

Remember remember the 5th of november

Drummerboy1234 0

god 47, you dumb **** of a feminist. who are you you to say he's a perv?

well I like ur profile pic even though I like men. #47 why are u hating? men will always be men and u can't hate them for being who they are. stop being so anal.

fatguy805 0

start a riot like hangover 2 haha

dickydickman 0

well don't get arrested next time

NoobHat 6

Be sure and let your lawyer know all about that.

Sweej 1

He said you had the "right" to remain silent... he didn't say you had to use it! If a cop is asking you questions, it would be wise to answer them.

Dear lord your picture made me cry with laughter.

Sweej 1

lol, I hope so... how do you NOT laugh at such a thing?

"If a cop is asking you questions, it would be wise to answer them." Not always true. That part where they say that anything you say could be used against you in court? They aren't kidding about that, and if you aren't extremely careful with your words, you could have them twisted around into something they didn't mean in order to implicate you. Best to wait for a lawyer.

Anon17564 3

I don't think you understand what a right is, Sweej.

Let's not forget about our good friend, the amendement. Op had the right to remain silent, and is protected to not have to answer by the 5th amendment unless his lawyer is present. Police men are getting power hungry and think they can do anything but uphold the law. I would take this to the judge during court and tell him about the police brutality.

hahaha for real! some people don't understand that our rights are there for a reason. you don't have to say anything to the cops at all.

hatepineapple 14

No. It's not "wise" to talk to the police. You NEVER ******* TALK TO THE POLICE. ANY and EVERY thing you say to them CAN and WILL be used against you. There is NOTHING you can say to the police to convince them out of arresting you. /watch?v=6wXkI4t7nuc ^^^ Read this until you can recite the entire thing in your sleep.

dbt88 15

Pretty sure Miranda v Arizona only applies to the United States, not Malasyia. And anyway, general info questions like your name and address aren't questions you have a right to not answer.

Why didnt yoy tell the cop that in the first place?

dude, I know this is totally random and has nothing to do with the fml but I didn't know it was possible to have **** as an Asian. if I may say so I have a of orange juice, right now.