By oldskoolgrl - 29/03/2009 04:37 - United States

Today, I was denied acceptance to The University of Georgia. I was down all day so I decided to go to a party my friend was throwing. Thinking it would cheer me up, as soon as I arrive all I see is colleges on shirts, hats, and sweatshirts, most being UGA. It was a college acceptance party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 063
You deserved it 7 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are other colleges and chances. Did you at least get to enjoy the party anyway? In your situation, I'd make the best of it.

put_it_out_there 0

It's alright, you'll get in somewhere! I'm at my fall-back school and I'm loving every minute of it! So hang in there..


Oh, and the average SAT score of the incoming freshman in 2005 was 1242.

sclark13 0

I am a freshman at UGA and let me just say, it is very difficult to get accepted if you are a Georgia resident. Don't be sad, if you got waitlisted- DO IT. Everyone I know that got wait listed and jumped through the extra hoops ended up getting accepted.

stop bein a bitch and sack up... not everything in life goes your way or is easy ...big ******* deal find another school your mommy and daddy can pay for

alexithymia_fml 0

How in the world did you NOT get into UGA? That's such a dumbass school.

As a current UGA student... if you've never been to Athens, you're missing out. Sure Atlanta has a lot going on, but Athens completely revolves around the college students, and Atlanta is only an hour away. I went to a rigorous college prep school where at least 1/4 of my graduating class were accepted into Ivies. We had students who didn't get into Georgia, because with the HOPE scholarship it has become increasingly difficult to get into. I'm sorry OP, but hopefully you at least got wait-listed?

"There are over 4000 colleges in the United States. I think being in the top 1% is pretty good. But maybe that's just me." If there are 4000 colleges in the US, being in the top 361 wouldn't make UGA top 1%, only being in the top 40 would. Haha are you kidding me superflyy...I'm sure this "mastery" of simple fractions helped you get your 4.0 and 1390 SAT.

it's okay, nobody gets into UGA. it's easy to transfer there though!

#38 I know people with a 3.8 GPA, quite a few extra currics, and 3 APs get waitlisted at GCSU, rejected from UGA. I know people with a 4.0 GPA, a few extra currics, and a few APs get waitlisted at UGA. So shut up, it may not be an Ivy but it IS a public Ivy, and therefore ranked around UNC-Chapel Hill, an excellent school. I know a girl from Deerfield Academy, one of the best prep/boarding schools in the country. It was her dream school. Rejected.

Those who have not applied to UGA need to listen to those of us who have. I have a 3.7 and have take 9 AP classes. My SAT scores were favorable, not INCREDIBLE, but you get my point. You can bust you butt in high school and not get in. Its not easy at all. I just think its funny that people jump to conclusions about a school when they've probably never researched it at all and have no ambitions to apply. So why pigeon hole people that go there? Just a thought.

jnutt 0

get ahead of the game. put on a hard hat and follow a Georgia Tech engineer around, your UGA friends will show up eventually