By WTF. - 03/08/2019 20:00

Today, I was interviewed by a WalMart employee for a position in their pharmacy. I didn't get the job. I was more qualified than the woman who gave me the interview. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 723
You deserved it 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can feel the attitude coming off this post... might not be your qualifications that lost you the position...

Maybe she interviewed someone who was more qualified than you.


Maybe she felt threatened by you and that’s why you didn’t get the job...

Being really into drugs does not count as more qualified.

Maybe she interviewed someone who was more qualified than you.

Maybe you were overqualified, or she felt threatened by you like others have said.

BigPoggers 5

When I was younger and worked at a laser tag place the manager would not hire people who were over qualified for positions. But it was because most of them had college degrees. Would be a waste of time for them to not use it.

XUDT72 24

The manager didn't do it for them because it would be a waste if their degree. They passed over them because there is a good chance they would leave quicker for a better offer and they'd have to fill the job again.

I can feel the attitude coming off this post... might not be your qualifications that lost you the position...

Oh well. There are literally thousands of places better than Walmart.

Nhayaa 21

Aaah yes... mediocracy and all that... When managers prefer shitty coworkers rather than someone who would threaten their position.

Elisabetha Aarron 18

Or they knew that the person wouldn't be there long and was only using this job as a stop over

maroongrad 13

Qualifications for walmart are NOT ability based. If you can do the basics of the job and lack enough options to leave when mistreated, you "qualify". If you can tell them where to stick it when you are cut from 40 hrs to 24, and that is two 12 hr shifts 6 hrs do not qualify.

Kristoffer 35

The one giving the interview isn't the one making the hiring decision.