Policy of truth

By WalkofShame101 - 04/06/2023 22:00

Today, my parents took the car I was supposed to get for my graduation back. Note to self: Don’t fall asleep at your friend Diane’s house past curfew. PS: Don’t lie about being at Diane’s, because they called her mom, who said I wasn’t there. I was actually at my boyfriend’s apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 161
You deserved it 1 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The awkward age - Too young to have your own place and a good job, too old to ignore sexual urges… We see that lying hasn’t worked out well - And it depends on the parents how well honesty would have worked. Ideally OP and her parents might have discussed sex in an honest and open way and avoided this situation. But to be honest too many parents are more concerned that their daughters remain a “virgin” or at least maintain that fiction, than they are realistic about human sexuality… OP, lying is rarely a good idea. And as bad as this is going, it would be much worse if you wound up with an unplanned pregnancy. I don’t know how to advise you, but I will say that it is definitely time for an honest talk with your parents. I can only hope that they can come to see that their daughter is not a little girl anymore and that nearly all humans have a sexual nature that is very, very difficult to ignore…

Note to you: Don't lie to FML readers about falling asleep at Diane's house. Even the dumbest of us can figure out you were ******* your boyfriend.


The awkward age - Too young to have your own place and a good job, too old to ignore sexual urges… We see that lying hasn’t worked out well - And it depends on the parents how well honesty would have worked. Ideally OP and her parents might have discussed sex in an honest and open way and avoided this situation. But to be honest too many parents are more concerned that their daughters remain a “virgin” or at least maintain that fiction, than they are realistic about human sexuality… OP, lying is rarely a good idea. And as bad as this is going, it would be much worse if you wound up with an unplanned pregnancy. I don’t know how to advise you, but I will say that it is definitely time for an honest talk with your parents. I can only hope that they can come to see that their daughter is not a little girl anymore and that nearly all humans have a sexual nature that is very, very difficult to ignore…

Note to you: Don't lie to FML readers about falling asleep at Diane's house. Even the dumbest of us can figure out you were ******* your boyfriend.