By Adam Jensen - 18/06/2012 04:39 - United States - Saint Paul

Today, I was at work when a co-worker decided it would be funny to email me from my boss's computer to tell me I had been laid off. It wasn't funny when I was fired for real after "skipping work without giving notice." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 902
You deserved it 2 512

Same thing different taste


Isa_fml 20

That's a really shitty thing to do to someone; I'm sorry. Is there any way you could get him to speak to your boss and clear things up, or something? ETA: Somehow I missed the part that it was a CO-WORKER when I first read this. That's even worse! He really should be disciplined for that. VERY unprofessional and childish.

madipoo_LOVE23 0

if you get an email saying your fired, and you beleived it, you must be dumb

if you saved the email then you can appeal it... just saying

iseedeadpeople7 3

Adam Jensen?? You should just stab your co-worker with your augmentations dude

He or she obviously wanted you out. Pretty messed up :/ On a side note, OP has a badass name haha. I love Deus Ex

This is when you immediately print the emails and go to your HR department and demand to know if its true.