By Adam Jensen - 18/06/2012 04:39 - United States - Saint Paul

Today, I was at work when a co-worker decided it would be funny to email me from my boss's computer to tell me I had been laid off. It wasn't funny when I was fired for real after "skipping work without giving notice." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 902
You deserved it 2 512

Same thing different taste


MSvictoria 0

Common sense tells you to go to your boss and fix the problem before not coming in the next day, your co worker should have gotten fired and you should still have a job

You might want to show the email to your boss and indicate you think you know who sent hit while he was away from his computer.

GuyFluteBandGeek 0

If you explain the situation, I'm sure he'll hire you back

ydnar 5

I'm sorry but if you walked out based on an email you deservse to be fired.

hiandrews69 29

Make sure that when you let your boss know what happened, that she takes action against the other dude.

kidnap his dog and hold it for ransom until you get reinstated with a promotion

YDI. You wouldn't be laid off in an email, and at least you should have talked with your boss first.