By Dumped - 06/04/2017 14:00

Today, at work, I went to place a small item on a shelf. The shelf fell on me, trapping my hand. While lifting it, the top shelf fell against my chest and the products all dumped on my face. I then realized the shelves were only held up by zip ties. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 841
You deserved it 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tigak47 0

This is something that needs to be documented and reported. Any doctor's visits should be covered by workman's comp and yeah if you get pushback, time for a lawsuit


tigak47 0

This is something that needs to be documented and reported. Any doctor's visits should be covered by workman's comp and yeah if you get pushback, time for a lawsuit

Even if there were no injuries, definitely file for workman's comp. Some injuries do not appear until later on in life and if that does happen, you will be thankful for filing it. Believe me, I work in the frontline in healthcare and the physician's ALWAYS ask if an injury happened at work and if so, we make sure a form is created, filled, and faxed.

species4872 19

Sorry for your injuries, Could have been worse, you could have worked at a nursery and the top shelf stocked with Cacti.

Zip ties can hold up shelves very well if done correctly. At the Toys R Us Express (one in a mall) I used to work at, our wall mounted shelves were only held down by zip ties. Granted, one of my supervisors and I put a shelving grid behind them as an anchor point, but that just goes to further demonstrate that it can work if one takes the time and effort to do it right. We never had any shelves come loose.

That's almost as crappy as my goddamn chair that broke recently- It was plain wood, with a regular metal wheeled base like a normal office chair, and what seemed to be 4 screws in the bottom holding the wooden chair part onto the metal part. It started creaking, and nothing would help, and it gradually got worse, until... As I was getting out of it (Thank god I had my feet on the floor already) it just snapped- turned out the screws were decorational. It was glued together. I also had a desk, it was held together with wood pegs and had two decorational screws. Went to move the desk and the wood pegs snapped. Then my stepdad just glued the side back on and of course I refused to use it. >_> From then on I now design my own furniture, so if I want something I just get his brother to build it. He screws up the measuring a lot but now I've got a sturdy desk actually held together with screws. And it's not crappy smashed together wood pulp that swells up whenever a storm hits, either.

Clearly you work with incompetents. Everyone knows that you should fasten shelves with duct tape because it never breaks.

Sounds like you only have yourshelf to blame. (Had to make that joke, but this isn't a YDI)