By StellarSapience - 22/05/2009 01:18 - United States

Today, I was at work at an office store. I was instructed to put together several tape-free cardboard boxes. I then realized that I can disassemble and reassemble a computer with my eyes closed and one hand behind my back, but I was outsmarted by a cardboard box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 676
You deserved it 8 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You gotta watch out, cardboard boxes are sly customers.

It's obviously a conspiracy to make you look silly. Watch out. Next thing you know they will send the child-proofed objects in to mess with you. Oh and just being able to disassemble/reassemble a computer doesn't make you that clever. Until you grow a brain just get gaffer tape and tape those mofo's up. You know you want to.


It's obviously a conspiracy to make you look silly. Watch out. Next thing you know they will send the child-proofed objects in to mess with you. Oh and just being able to disassemble/reassemble a computer doesn't make you that clever. Until you grow a brain just get gaffer tape and tape those mofo's up. You know you want to.

I had to make some of those boxes when I had a temp job one summer. They nearly defeated me too, although I eventually triumphed. They're a bitch to put together!

GuessWhatKids 13

What does the frequency at which OP 'gets out' have to do with this?

It's not you....boxes are way too clever to construct these days....

LOL! dude same here and yeah i can build my own computer.....but i managed to get revenge :P....but then i got outsmarted by bionicles >_>...wanna ask why i tried assembling bionicles? dont ask.. >_>

Genius does not concern itsely with trivility...

Who doesn't build their own computers these days!?! Cardboard boxes on the other hand...those are some tricky bastards..

bnwranbo 2

#7 why'd you try assembling bionicles?? now i'm curiouse..... xD