
By Anonymous - 17/09/2023 20:00

Today, I gave my son a job as a shelf stacker in one of my stores. He is in his thirties and is so dumb that he has been fired from every other job for incompetence. I don’t want him to starve or lose his flat, but I also couldn’t give him an important job in case he screwed it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 647
You deserved it 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Genuine question: has he ever gotten assessed by a psychologist or a doctor? Because this doesn't sound quite right.

Yeah, if someone's repeatedly failing at a hypothetically 'simple' task, there's usually a really good reason--like an undiagnosed disability. You need to help your son get to a psychiatrist for assessment.


Genuine question: has he ever gotten assessed by a psychologist or a doctor? Because this doesn't sound quite right.

Yeah, if someone's repeatedly failing at a hypothetically 'simple' task, there's usually a really good reason--like an undiagnosed disability. You need to help your son get to a psychiatrist for assessment.

Doom_Kitty 12

This! Instead of speaking bad about the own kid go try helping him ffs.

Are you crazy? The dumbass could create a tall unstable stack that collapses on a customer and you'll face a big lawsuit! You should have made him Director of Social Responsibility. Give him a few dollars to donate, and let him be bombarded by solicitations all day.