By fmlatmovies - 25/07/2009 15:07 - United States

Today, I was at the movies. All of a sudden, the woman next to me starts laughing uncontrollably and talking to her friend during the movie. This continued throughout the movie, ruining it. I turned and whispered to my friend. The woman then taps me on the shoulder and yells, "Shut the fuck up!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 671
You deserved it 4 768

fmlatmovies tells us more.

actually all you haters out there, i didn't have enough room to put my response! i actually turned to her and told her to **** off and to take her annoying fat ass out of the theater because she was blocking the view for everyone and no one could hear the movie over her irritating voice that makes people want to dropkick babies! that shut her up for the rest of the movie.

Top comments

irishdancer 0

Oh. Sorry bout your luck dude. I hate those people...

Should have said "Well how rude. I was just about to give out our mystery prize of $100,000 to a random guest in tonight's theatre, guess it won't be you"


vvvalori 0

THAT, m'dear, is when you stand up and drive her teeth down her throat. Not really an FML. Just an ignorant bitch in a movie theatre. Sadly, there are too many of those around :

i guess its sorta a FML cause your such a pussy you cant stand up for yourself

actually all you haters out there, i didn't have enough room to put my response! i actually turned to her and told her to **** off and to take her annoying fat ass out of the theater because she was blocking the view for everyone and no one could hear the movie over her irritating voice that makes people want to dropkick babies! that shut her up for the rest of the movie.

If only there were more people like you at theaters, maybe theatergoers wouldn't be so rude

God I may have to use that phrase. Make me want to drop kick a baby, xD

rand0mprsn 0

i know exactly how you feel! i've been in that same position!

i know exactly how you feel! i went and saw the harry potter movie with my friends and none of us had seen/read harry potter in a while so we were really confused the whole movie so we were talking to each other asking what's happening?? then these bitches in front of us turn around and start yelling at us and they wouldn't shut up. then like ten minutes later one of them gets up and sits behind us to talk on her phone! then in the bathroom i heard her say she was bout to turn around and slap a bitch.

I hope you punched the **** in the throat.

that's a time to show her how strong your pimp hand is

You should have told her to shut up first, or reported her to one of the theaters employees. At least talked about the person very loud so she could hear you badmouthing her. And workstupid it doesn't really matter if you haven't read the book since nothing like it. They changed a lot, cut a lot out, and added a lot in. You would have been confused anyway. But you still shouldn't have been talking and neither should the other person.

also the bitch went with her sister and her sister's boyfriend.. awkward! and it was like 90 outside and they were wearing sweat suits

You should have been like "YOU shut the **** up bitch" or go get her kicked out by the employee's