By DisappointedDaughter - 26/06/2019 16:03

Today, I’m counting the things my mother has broken or ruined since I let her move in with me a year ago. So far, the list contains a Christmas tree, my power drill, a toaster oven, inherited kitchen knives, an expensive bath towel set, multiple kitchen gadgets, a flatbed scanner and a laser printer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 785
You deserved it 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Umm all that sounds like she is intentionally breaking things or she is just inept and shouldn't be touching anything 🤔🙄

Time for mother to grow up and live in the garage


Umm all that sounds like she is intentionally breaking things or she is just inept and shouldn't be touching anything 🤔🙄

My question is why’d you have a flatbed scanner and a laser printer? Ever heard of an all-in-one?


Suck it up. You ruined her figure and destroyed her hooha during childbirth.

404wan 19

She chose to have a kid, Op had nothing to do with that. Dont break things that arent yours.

Time for mother to grow up and live in the garage

How did she break it all? And has she replaced any of it?

Avenge yourself! Love long enough to be a problem to your kids

sounds like you broke a lot of her stuff growing up! Sorry, I've been making plans for when my children are older!

What is she The Hulk? You got more damage than after an Avengers Fight!

Sounds like the biggest thing broken was someone's pride. I can't say if it's yours or your mother's, but someone's pride is definitely shattered here.