By Anonymous - 25/04/2011 22:38 - United States

Today, I was at the bakery I work at. A man came in to pick up a cake he said he ordered, but we could find neither the cake nor the order form. He yelled at me about being 'incompetent' before remembering that he had ordered the cake from a different bakery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 111
You deserved it 2 998

Same thing different taste


cool517 1

what an azzzzzzz the cake was to celebrate his GED

notquite69 0

And this ruined your life? Even your day?

thats not ur fml that's his it's not ur fault he forgot where he ordered his cake

batgirl_babygirl 0

it's just that the op got yelled at for no reason

I've had that happen to me all the time. I work in optical and people het really mad when I can't find their glasses and I have no file on them. They don't even apologize for yelling. It sucks.

here in canada, that would lead to an apology party.

some people are idiots. I hope he apologized

Chances are he didn't. I get people in all the time being total assholes and when they find out they were the ones at fault they just keep on being assholes and never apologize. *The customer is always right* is an idea that has gotten waaaaay out of hand. The sad thing is that almost all of us have to deal with the public in our jobs and you'd think we'd know how to treat each other with a little respect and compassion. Instead we just abuse the hell out of the concept of customer service and treat each other like shit because we know we'll get away with it.

PrincessesCrown 17

So a person yelled at you. Grow up!

sharkton 0

....... the cake is a lie? :)