By Otherguy - 18/11/2008 07:36 - France

Today, I was at a restaurant with a girl I like, and as I was getting my wallet out, I dropped a condom. She didn't see anything, and I didn't dare pick it up in case I drew attention to the "object". The waiter walked past, picked up, and held it out to me with a huge grin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 972
You deserved it 9 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time pick up your shit. Its not hard to go unnoticed. you could have used your foot. Not the waiters fault.

My immediate response would be, "No thanks, I'm straight." Helps cover your ass and punish the waiter, all in one.


Play it cool dude...I bet she wouldn't have cared as long as you were chill about it

Sorry man, this is kind of both FYL and YDI. That was a bit inappropriate of the waiter to draw attention to it, but you really should have picked it up. it's not such a bad thing that you carry a condom around. hell, at least you practice safe sex! and if your date had noticed and gotten upset, you can explain you carry it around out of habit from a previous relationship or something along those lines.

Oh whoops, I've dropped my monster condom....