By thatswhatsup66 - 20/03/2012 19:01 - United States - Greer

Today, I was at a restaurant, and I saw my friend. When we made eye contact, I made a creepy face at her and twitched my arms to make her laugh. A woman looked over said sadly, "Oh my God, that poor girl!" She thought I was "special." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 718
You deserved it 26 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you get up and give the woman a huge hug, twitching and all.

nofearjenshere 12

Why would that woman say that in he first place, even if you really were mentally handicapped, that's rude of her to say, "Oh my God, that poor girl."


ifoundalaska 11

Honestly, who reacts to people with mental disabilities that way anyhow :/

55 - To show that she isn't asking her question in an aggressive or mad way. If there wasn't a smiley face, it would be rude. Since there is, you read it like a person playfully joking with, OP. .... There ya go. ;)

WakeUpMaggieMae 1

Sadly, this has happened to me before also. I don't know why girls insist on making the most unattractive expressions when we see our friends. I even try to simply smile, but it feels weird.

bubbles42597 0

I honestly would've done the same thing if I saw my friend

Meh, don't worry about it! Who cares what other people think!? Ok, so maybe a lot of people... But I don't and I do crazy things like that (and worse) and I still have a crap ton of friends haha. Our differences set us apart and if someone has a problem with that just ignore them and be yourself!!!

linkinpark98 23

Even If you aren't special, why would that lady say something like that aloud? It isn't nice to do that in front of someone who really is special. :P But anyways, I'd have to say YDI because making fun of special people isn't cool.

nikkibear123 4

Lol this sounds like something my bestfriend and I would do

Well you don't need to look for a Halloween costume anymore