By John - 01/04/2017 08:00 - United States

Today, I attended a formal dinner with donors to my university. While looking at a much older lady's nametag to see who she was, I was publicly accused of looking at her breasts. Now a bunch of people I was supposed to impress think I'm a pervert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 060
You deserved it 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nametag placement is stupid. Whether it's a name badge round their neck, or a badge. On a woman, you will always be accused of staring at their ****. Probably stems back to some sexist thing about woman not working. Obviously their names should be on their foreheads. ?

Name tags are tricky, and no matter how much you tell them you were looking at that they'll probably always consider you a perve now. Definitely F your life.


Nametag placement is stupid. Whether it's a name badge round their neck, or a badge. On a woman, you will always be accused of staring at their ****. Probably stems back to some sexist thing about woman not working. Obviously their names should be on their foreheads. ?

Name tags are tricky, and no matter how much you tell them you were looking at that they'll probably always consider you a perve now. Definitely F your life.

Nah, the older guys are gonna think you're a player, and the older ladies are gonna think you're cougar meat. Guys you're age think you're a MILF hunter, and, yes, women you're age think you're a pervert. Bon appetit!

You'd think that people at an event with name tags would understand that people will be looking at the tag. Otherwise what's the point?? And if they don't want you looking there, put it somewhere else!

Surely if you mentioned the name tag they'd realize what dumbass es they are. They'd be embarrassed and apologize. Ridiculous. Sorry that happened, OP

Lebeaugars95 20

Put your name tag on your crotch and accuse them of being perverts if they bring it up

And write your name in really teeny print so they gotta lean in real close to read it. (Bonus points if you grab their heads and start pumping)

Moosie11 17

Well, how were her breasts?