Dating hell

By Anonymous - 02/04/2024 12:30 - India - Kolkata

Today, I have dated three people in high school and all of them cheated on me. The first one had feelings for, let's say, person A; the second one had feelings for person B; and the third girl had feelings for both person A and B. So, I ain't gonna be dating anyone any time soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 348
You deserved it 86

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wrecklesswfire 3

this has ROM-Com written all over it

The truth is dating and romance are difficult. There is no "The One" - there are simply people who are better or worse matches for each other. You have to meet a lot of people to find someone who is attracted to you and you are attracted to them... Making things even more complicated there are a lot of people who think they are much more attractive (looks, personality, values, skills) than they actually are. Sometimes people fixate on one person who they have no chance with and ignore the people who might actually find them attractive... So, you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your version of prince or princess Charming. And you need to look carefully at what you might bring to a relationship and concentrate on those who might appreciate that. You have to play the long game.


wrecklesswfire 3

this has ROM-Com written all over it

The truth is dating and romance are difficult. There is no "The One" - there are simply people who are better or worse matches for each other. You have to meet a lot of people to find someone who is attracted to you and you are attracted to them... Making things even more complicated there are a lot of people who think they are much more attractive (looks, personality, values, skills) than they actually are. Sometimes people fixate on one person who they have no chance with and ignore the people who might actually find them attractive... So, you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your version of prince or princess Charming. And you need to look carefully at what you might bring to a relationship and concentrate on those who might appreciate that. You have to play the long game.