By Anonymous - 05/11/2010 10:05 - United Kingdom

Today, I was accused of shop-lifting by an old lady in a supermarket. Having proven myself innocent, I tried to storm off to show my displeasure at the situation. In my haste to make a dramatic exit, I tried to go out of the entrance and walked straight into the automatic door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 900
You deserved it 13 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I bet everybody remembers the shoplifter that went through the wrong door. Nobody will remember you being right ... ever. Go gave that power away by trying to storm out.

hehe, ur an idot. and y r old lays always say ppl shop lifted, what the hells wrong with old lady!?

namhowell 6

This story was written very well, i found it to be very funny lol.

Iknoweverything 29

If you were truly innocent, your displeasure would have been better shown by being disgustingly nice, telling them that everyone makes mistakes, and then go to court and sue them.

TheZarola 10

YdI for being dramatic. That's not something that adults do.

SaRah_In_LoVe 0

Why would you storm off? You were proven innocent, and up to that point the only person who looked dumb was the lady accusing you.

I don’t know what the UK laws are but in Canada that’s grounds for a lawsuit. Whether it was an employee or a shopper, the store employees need to have witnessed the incident themselves in order to press charges. As soon as they accuse you of theft then they MUST call the police and place formal charges against you, if they failed to do so then they themselves broke a law that’s in place to protect the consumer.

nerdwithagun 0

Canada seriously has it together. Depending on how the 2012 elections go (after seeing the midterms in the US), we might seriously consider moving there.

Hahahahahahaahahaha >:D I wish I saw that! Would've made my day :3