By socksxox - 02/05/2016 21:19 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I want on a date with a man I met on the internet. While talking over drinks, I asked him what he did for a living. He said he was a salesman, and that he's really good at it. Interested, I asked him what it was he sold. "Cannabis." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 926
You deserved it 1 731

socksxox tells us more.

Hey guys, OP here! Must confess, this actually happened to my mum, who really isn't a fan of weed. If it had happened to me it wouldnt have been such a big deal but for a middle class woman in her 40's its a bit of a shocking statement on a first date! That coupled with the fact he kept suggesting to her that they should get a hotel room was enough to send her running!

Top comments

While I personally think it's silly that marijuana is illegal, I can't blame your mother for not wanting to date someone who sells it. Hell, I wouldn't want to get involved with anyone who sells an illegal substance, regardless of how I feel about the law and the substance itself.


Well now you have the hookup of you need it

haha at least cannabis isa lucrative business lol

I mean... He could have lied and waited until you all got serious.

emi_alejandra 23

I mean you did ask and he was honest about it

Hopefully when it is fully legalized on your side of the pond he'll be ready to turn it into a honest business. He's already is doing both.

Either OP doesnt like weed or is disappointed because thats his job and doesn't have an actual one. Unless they live in California or Colorado of course.

OP is from the UK, not sure of the laws there but I don't think it's legal.

As a Scot, I can confirm that cannabis is illegal. There are 3 classes for drugs, Class A, Class B, and Class C. Cannabis falls into Class B, so you can get a £5000+ fine for possession/distribution (depending on amount) and/or up to a 2+ year prison sentence.

Hey guys, OP here! Must confess, this actually happened to my mum, who really isn't a fan of weed. If it had happened to me it wouldnt have been such a big deal but for a middle class woman in her 40's its a bit of a shocking statement on a first date! That coupled with the fact he kept suggesting to her that they should get a hotel room was enough to send her running!

While I personally think it's silly that marijuana is illegal, I can't blame your mother for not wanting to date someone who sells it. Hell, I wouldn't want to get involved with anyone who sells an illegal substance, regardless of how I feel about the law and the substance itself.

Misskreher 30

#19, yes it's illegal in the UK

I live in Colorado, so I didn't even see what the FML moment was at first...around here, the automatic follow up to a statement like that is a casual, "Oh, cool. Which dispensary?" Lol! Once I got the right context, though, I could see why your mom (mum?) or, really, anyone would run.

#37 I'm from WA state so I'm in the same boat! Haha

H-Man at my school is pretty much a drug lord. He's super nice and some days he just brings food into class for everyone because "he makes too much money and he doesn't want his parents to get suspicious of where all that money is coming from so he cant spend to much on himself"

I mean... He was honest, he could have lied.