By Anonymous - 12/01/2017 20:00

Today, after 3 years of unemployment and 6 months of hard studying, I found out I hadn't actually registered myself for the public service exam that will happen later this month and could finally get me a job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 509
You deserved it 2 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least when you get it registered, you're able to finally get a job!


At least when you get it registered, you're able to finally get a job!

You're already doing well as someone that would work in public services, they like to forget to do important things too.

Winchesterbride 9

i hope for you that everything goes well in the future. best of luck OP

RedCronos 17

You need to take my online course "Attention to Detail" The address is www dot something-something dot something

MamaChey 24

Not that it's much consolation, but at least you didn't show up to take the test, only to be publicly shamed and then turned away. That being said, based on the limited info you gave, it DOES kind of seem like a dumbass move on your part...

Literally how. I seriously don't understand. it's never taken me more than 2 weeks to get a job after deciding to get one, even when I have zero relevant experience. What are you doing?