By SomeGuyInNY - 16/12/2017 09:00 - United States - Poughkeepsie

Today, I volunteered to tend bar at a friend's charity event. I was called incompetent and had a drink thrown at me for stirring a martini instead of shaking "like they do in James Bond". I've been tending bar for 30 years and have never had a drink thrown at me before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 773
You deserved it 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, it's not your fault that James Bond doesn't know how to make a martini.

Obviously, the customer was no suave, debonair James Bond.... :-(


Obviously, the customer was no suave, debonair James Bond.... :-(

OP, it's not your fault that James Bond doesn't know how to make a martini.

He knows how to get a martini if you want it watered down.

exileonmainst 16

Was the name of the charity ”Free alcohol for unsuspecting bartenders”?

Aren't all martini's stirred unless asked for shaken? I'm not a mixologist so I wouldn't know for sure. Just thought they are naturally stirred unless asked for shaken as Bond does

Shaking a martini wrecks it. It dilutes it, turning it to shit.

WeirdUS 29

Maybe I'm reaching but maybe that's the reason he asks for it shaken and not stirred. He's constantly meets people in bars it would make sense he would want his drink diluted being a secret agent, he's still gotta be functional.

From what I heard, in the books he's not the super classy Bond we know from the films, and that him asking for it shaken was a tell of that fact. He doesn't know his drinks.

Let me guess, they also asked for vodka instead of gin.

Lobby_Bee 17

"Sir, unlike you, James Bond would have asked his martini to be shaken, not stirred"

You should charge him $007 for the dry cleaning you’re going to need!

Notmymonkeysnotmycircus 16

More like $700 for being a wanker!

Anyone that shakes a martini is a savage, and should not be served. James Bond included.

Anyone who wants a martini shaken is a wimp.

I've never thrown a drink in anyone's face before. Where do you pretend I'd like to throw a drink in your face