
By Anonymous - 29/09/2020 13:57 - Canada - Windsor

Today, I ran into my childhood crush. She was the one who made me realize I was bi, and I was enthralled by her. Too bad she was straight. She's only gotten more attractive, and now she's in my program. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 113
You deserved it 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Give it a go -- in my experience, most girls are bisexual. When I mention sex, they say "Bye!"

Honestly you could bring it up with her in a joking manner just to see where she stands cause you never know ;) You could go to her chat and catch up then casually slip in something like "I know this may sound odd but I used to have the BIGGEST crush on you when I was younger!" and depending on how she reacts will tell you where she stands. :)


Give it a go -- in my experience, most girls are bisexual. When I mention sex, they say "Bye!"

I agree that you should mention to crush that you are interested in her. Do it discreetly and not in a way that could be construed as threatening. If you are diplomatic, you have nothing to loose, assuming you are already “out” as bisexual.

unsure why this was downvoted... the friend being straight could mean she has only been with guys. she could still say yes for the sake of giving op a chance out of respect for the friendship and find out they are also bi. it is easier to know you are not gay, than whether you have feelings towards the same sex and could be bi. and as stated if OP handles it in a decent fashion worst that happens (excluding some form of homophobia) is she gets turned down.

Honestly you could bring it up with her in a joking manner just to see where she stands cause you never know ;) You could go to her chat and catch up then casually slip in something like "I know this may sound odd but I used to have the BIGGEST crush on you when I was younger!" and depending on how she reacts will tell you where she stands. :)

I don’t get why it would be considered acceptable by some in the comments to try and convince a friend she’s not actually straight, when it’s pretty objectively a terrible thing to try and convince someone who is gay or a lesbian that they are really bi or straight. Respect her sexuality too. If you bring it up and she’s interested that’s great, but if she’s not attracted to women, she doesn’t need to be, and that’s okay.