By bored - 27/11/2012 18:05 - United States

Today, I've now worked on Thanksgiving, Black Friday, the weekend after that, and two days this week. My husband and son have had all that time off, and yet I've still ended up having to clean the dishes and the house after them on all of these days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 381
You deserved it 5 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Sucks, but lay some grounds to your hubby, don't clean up after yourself means not being able to take care of business in the bedroom:-) lol

lelo007 11

She wasn't complaining about working the holidays, though that does suck for her. She was simply stating she was having to work AND come home to do chores while her husband and son have been at home doing nothing.

doodoo10 10

that's the story of my mother :( except she cooks, cleans, works and makes lunch, etc...

Hey OP, have you ever seen the show Everybody Hates Chris.

BJA_fml 4

That's why one should never get married or have children.

xBIG_Dx 0

Then get off FML and get back to work.

It really sucks that you're in that situation, but I've gotta say YDI. You didn't HAVE to clean up after your family; you could have told them to do it, punished the kids when they didn't, etc.

I work everyday, including public holidays and of course Christmas and New Years. I have to do everything by myself because I live alone, I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for you. I'm happy to work and it seems like I work a hell of a lot more than you, suck it up princess

If you live alone, you only have to clean your own shit.. Believe me, living with other people and having clean after them and take care of them is a lot more difficult than being on your own ;)

I look after abandoned and neglected animals, so I can have anywhere between 2-15 animals with me, I think I know what mess is...